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Produc Landing Page

This is a project exercise from freeCodeCamp to get the certification to Responsive Web Design, Build a Produc Landing Page. Special thanks to Erik Ragnar Eliasson for these language icons, and to SVGOMG that reduced the size of them by half, and a special thanks to Lea Verou by many CSS Secrets.

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Pillars of programming web

Everything you need to build a cool page is  two things .

But with  these three  it can be even better.

  • <html>

    Hypertext markup language HTML is the major markup language used to display Web pages on the Internet. In other words, Web pages are composed of HTML, which is used to display text, images, or other resources through a Web browser.

  • .css{}

    Cascading Style Sheets CSS is a standard (or language) that describes the formatting of markup language pages. It enables developers to separate content and visual elements for greater page control and flexibility.

  • javaScript();

    Javascript JS is a scripting interpreted language, that means not compiled, commonly used to enhance HTML markup. With it the web pages can be more interactive and dynamic, allowing the pages to react to events, create cookies, and much more.

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Watch the freeCodeCamp on YouTube

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